Monday, November 4, 2013

Lifting Up The Hands That Hang Down (Sarah)

This has been going around facebook lately with the subtitle "This will make you cry".   It will, by the way.

It reminds me of a quote from the scriptures:

Wherefore, be faithful; stand in the office which I have appointed unto you; asuccor the bweak, lift up the hands which hang down, and cstrengthen the dfeeble knees.
(from D&C Section 81:5  also in Hebrews 12:12)

As the holidays approach, we can all spend a little more time focusing our attentions on strengthening those feeble knees.  But what can we do?

Here are a few ideas for those of us who want to make a difference:

Support your local community organizations.
FOOD PANTRY:  Matt and the boys spent last Saturday going from door to door with the Boy Scout's organization collecting canned goods for the local food pantry.  On one day, the various troops and packs in our community were able to fill the whole pantry to bursting!  November is usually the month that food pantries re-stock in preparation for the winter and the holidays.  Even if you can't go door-to-door, canned/dry goods can usually be dropped off directly to the pantry (you may want to call ahead).  Also, now is the time to sign up if you want to help serve Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner at shelters, churches, etc. 

SCHOOL/COMMUNITY FUND RAISERS:  Now is also the time that a lot of schools, churches, and community organizations hold fund raisers for a good cause.  The organizations run completely on volunteers.  Choose a cause and help!

THRIFT STORES:  The winter months are especially important for families who rely on thrift stores to supply their clothing.  Now is a great time to go through your old coats, snow pants, boots, etc.  Some families can only choose from what is offered at discount places.  You could make the difference between cold, wet feet or nice, warm, protected feet by donating your used gear.

Make a difference on a more personal level.
It is great to serve in an organization, but what about the one?  Sometimes, we already know a person who could you some extra love and support.  Here are a few things we can all do:  This is my all time favorite youtube video.

This one is a very close second:

These links plus the one at the beginning of this post will already give you so many ideas of how to help individuals.  Here are a few of my favorites:
a.  MAKE A SECRET DELIVERY.  Doorbell ditch a gift, flowers, or just cash.  It's effective and fun!
b.  BE A FRIEND.  Sometimes, it's just about being there.  Listening.  Letting someone know they are not alone.  Look outside of your normal circle for someone who seems lonely.  Make it a goal for them not to ever feel lonely when you're around.
c.  DO A FAVOR.  I don't mean the kind that someone asks for.  The other kind--the kind that hardly ever happens--the unsolicited favor.  Offer to watch someone's kids, drop off a meal or treat unexpectedly, rake someone's leaves.  The possibilities are endless!

d.  RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS.  Oh I love a good random act of kindness!  Last year, for the Christmas season, we used this link to give us some ideas:  My favorite was taking treats to the fire station.  If you type "random acts of kindness" into pinterest, the lists are endless!

I admit, I am motivated by more than my desire to help others.  What better way to teach gratitude to our children than by giving them an opportunity to help those who are less fortunate?  It's a win-win!

November is gratitude month.  Let's all get out there and show how grateful we are by giving a little back!

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