Monday, September 2, 2013

Grocery Shopping on a Budget (Heather)

My husband just finished podiatry school! Yay! It was so cool to hear them introduce him as "Doctor" for the first time ever!
....And to answer your question, no, he's not obsessed with feet.

Here's our little clan on graduation day...

Then began our new life of actually getting a paycheck instead of making a negative amount of money every year (student loans).  

My husband started his 3 year residency in the end of June and honestly, we make just over the poverty limit - too much info? Aren't doctors supposed to make a little more? Guess that's not till you're too old to enjoy it ;) 

Anyway, I was doing our budget and trying to figure out where we could cut costs. There are so many fixed costs: rent, car insurance, phone (though in Sarah's post she has said that I don't use it anyway so maybe I should get rid of it ;), etc. There was no room in the budget for dates (and that's something we really can't cut out because then I will have to go to the looney bin and we really can't afford that!) even birthday or Christmas presents weren't in the budget (though I'm thinking my kids could stand a few less toys anyway). Our grocery budget was really the only category that wasn't an absolutely fixed number. So we stopped buying groceries and we all starved....


Okay, just kidding. But really, what are you supposed to do? Tell the kids we're all going vegetarian because meat is too expensive!! And no more cookies or yogurt….and say goodbye to all of your favorite snacks and anything you liked to eat because from here on out...Ramen!!

I decided those weren't good options, I needed to shop smarter!

So after 8 years of marriage, 4 little kids and lots of trial and error with what worked for saving on food for us, here are a few tips that help us be able to stay in our grocery budget, still buy butter(!) and even have a little leftover so dad and mom can go on a date...not to the looney bin!:

1. Shop weekly. Figure out how much your grocery budget is per week and don't go over that. I find it much easier to stay in my grocery budget when I'm only having to manage for a week. I don't find myself buying things that I think I might need over the next month or couple of weeks. Also I find myself NOT buying things, thinking that we can make it one more week on the amount of peanut butter we have (for example). Also, if you shop every week, it won't take you as long to get the shopping done because you don't need as much stuff. I HATE going to the store if I have such a long list that it requires two shopping carts or if it takes me so long to shop that I (or my shopping helpers) need a nap by the end of it...

2. Make a menu for the week. Take an inventory of what food you have on hand, and try to include some of the things you already have in the menu so you don't have to buy as much. Include leftovers in the menu. Don't serve leftovers for lunch (make sandwiches - they're cheaper) serve the leftovers for another dinner. I serve "leftovers" twice a week. 

No, not THOSE kind of leftovers, good ones! I just make sure to make stuff we wouldn't mind having again (and I don't serve leftovers to guests so please come! ;)  
Also, if your dinner has some leftover meat use it for another meal. We usually have a turkey, roast, ham, or pork roast on Sunday so I make sure to plan the extra meat from that meal for something else later in the week...enchilladas, quesadillas, tacquitos....can you tell I'm craving Mexican food right now? Once you've made your weekly menu, take an inventory of what you've got and buy only what you need 

3. Coupons. Once you have your list, THEN check for coupons on the things you already plan to buy. I did the whole coupon clipping thing. I know it works awesome for some people, but for me, not so much. I found myself buying things that our family would never use, just because they were on some amazing sale. Coupons are great though if you already know that you're buying something and are picky about the brand you buy. For example, we only buy Glade air fresheners. So when I need them, I go to an online coupon site that posts all the different coupons available to print. I usually go to this one:
Or sometimes I'll just google "glade air freshener coupon" and print one from there. Also if the coupon is under $1, a lot of grocery stores will double the coupon - though you'll need to call your local grocery store before you plan on that.

4. Cold hard cash. Use cash for yougrocery budget. This is something many of us have heard before. Dave Ramsey is a popular person who promotes this, probably because it really works. Take only the cash you have to spend on groceries to the store with you. That way you will make sure you don't go over. At....all. I have some friends that use their calculator on their phone as they shop, just to make sure they won't go over. I just keep an estimated amount in my head as I shop.

5. Price Match. Lots of stores will price match. I do most of my price matching (where the store will match the advertised price of another store - just take their ad to the cashier when you're checking out) at WalMart. Most of the cashiers know how to do it easily so that it doesn't slow your shopping trip down. That way you can get all the best deals, but don't have to drive all over town. 

6. Aldi. If you have an ALDI ( near your houseshop there. Their prices are significantly cheaper because of a few things they do differently (they don't provide shopping bags, don't take credit cards, are only open from 9am - 8pm, have a limited selection of brands and items, etc.) You definitely won't be able to do all of your shopping there, and you might find that you don't like the taste of some of the things (i.e. their sour cream) so you'll have to buy that somewhere else, but the amount of money you save on produce and meat alone will really make a difference. Then you'll only have a handful of things to buy at WalMart or some other grocery store. 

If you're not already doing these tips, try one or two.... or all of them out, see if they make a difference in your budget! And please, if you have some other tips, leave a comment so we can all stay far away from the looney bin!


  1. I was right. You are funny. Loved it-- the tips too!

  2. I love the post Heather. Lots of really great ideas. Mom

  3. I liked the jokeys. Way to go Heather.

  4. My favorite joke was when you let the family starve...THE END! Ha! But I do really like the shopping every week idea. I'm starting!

  5. I like the picture of Jensen asleep in the grocery cart.

  6. I am going to have to try the weekly shopping thing. It will be tough for me because I really want to build up a food storage and I hate running out of stuff, so I always buy more than I need and spend more than I would like to. But then I would have to get back to making a menu and actually planning.

  7. The ad matching thing at Walmart is what I always do--it simplifies things a little. I'm glad to hear you don't clip coupons either. I sometimes feel guilty because I haven't gotten into that!

  8. One thing we started to do was do weekly theme weeks. Mexican, chinese, italian, etc etc so when we bought sour cream, soy sauce all of those ingredients didn't get wasted which in the end saved us money. Helps us reuse without getting sick of an item as we can change it into something else.
