Monday, September 16, 2013

How to Have Fun for Free (by Haley)

Throughout my life I have been known as a “Penny Pincher”, a “Mooch”, a “tight wad”, and “frugal to a fault”. I know you're probably thinking, “She doesn't sound like someone I'd like to be friends with!” Ha ha. Well, I am actually an okay person to around if you can believe it!
Since my husband and I have lived in Nevada, we have had to be very creative in what we do for fun. I am currently a stay-at-home mom and my husband is a full-time grad student and also works. Needless to say, we don't have a lot of money. Although things are tight, we still manage to have a lot of fun doing things that are totally free. I'm not talking about watching a movie on youtube for free, I'm talking about things you look forward to all week and you tell your friends about. Check out some of the things that we do to bring excitement into our rather small budget. Perhaps my ideas will change your mind and you will start to think that I DO sound like someone you'd like to be friends with!

GO TO THE PARK- We love going to the park. It is totally free and we all have a great time. My daughter loves the swings and slides. My husband loves throwing the frisbee with me. As for myself, I just love to be outside. We like to park hop, which mixes things up and makes it a different experience every time.

LIBRARY/MUSEUMS- Check out the activities going on in your local library. I faithfully take my daughter to story time at the library since it's free and fun. Our library does free tutoring, family movie nights, guest speakers, crafts, and activities especially for teens. Libraries have so many wonderful opportunities for kids and parents. As far as museums go, not all are free, but many are. What a fun way to educate your children!

FOOD NIGHT- My husband used to work at a fancy pizza restaurant, so he knows how to cook a mean pizza. Sometimes it's something as simple as making a meal together that can make your Friday night enjoyable. Food night can consist of a bunch of different things. As a family you could make a meal you've never made before. Or you could have a dessert contest where everyone has to make their own dessert. Or you could have a “cupboard potluck” with your friends where you can only make food with ingredients that you currently have in the cupboard. It makes me hungry just thinking about it!

CONCERT- My husband is currently studying music right now in school. I love listening to him play the piano or violin. Thankfully our daughter also has a love of music. Sometimes we just gather together in the living room and listen to him play. Sometimes I play a few songs on the piano. It is more fun than it may seem. Try getting together with your friends and having a mini concert. You can make it as formal or informal as you want. Play together or sing together or jam together. It is fun and it makes a memory!

READ A BOOK- My husband and I read to our daughter every night. Doesn't it feel so great to finish reading a book? Try getting some friends together and start a book club. If you only have one friend interested, set aside a time to read together each day. Take turns reading to each other. It is actually more fun than it sounds!

CHURCH FUNCTIONS- We are heavily involved in our local church. We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and it seems like there is always something going on. Activities put on by the church don't cost anything and are totally geared towards families. These activities are social and frequently involve food. We go to baptisms, sporting events, dinners, youth night, and various service projects. Check out churches in your area and see what they have to offer!

WALKING/HIKING- Our family loves being outside. We love putting our daughter in the stroller and going on walks. This summer we took her on her first hike. She loved that too. Being in nature is a great way to spend an evening. 

GAME NIGHT- We love having game nights at our house. I mostly like them because I am actually pretty good at playing! If you have a game night at your house, you could ask each person to bring their favorite game. Then take turns playing them all. Puzzles are a really fun group activity. You could also try a sports night in your back yard. Invite the neighbors over and play your favorites. If you have a community pool where you live, that could also be an option.

COMMUNITY EVENTS- Get online and look up your local community events calendar. You will find out about upcoming concerts in the park, carnivals, community classes, and opportunities to volunteer. My husband and I frequently look at this calendar to find fun things to do as a family.

WATCH AIRPLANES- My husband is OBSESSED with airplanes (and music). He originally wanted to be a pilot, but felt music was a better fit for our family. We currently live close to the airport, so planes are constantly flying over us. Sometimes when we are in the car together he scares me because he gets so distracted watching the airplanes. A few times I've humored him and we have pulled to the side of the road by the airport to watch the planes take off and land. It is pretty boring to me, but he loves it. Maybe you do too!

So, although I may be a big ole “Mooch”, I have learned how to have fun doing things for free. Next time you're feeling bored or broke, you should try out one of these ideas!


  1. Great suggestions, Haley! I can't wait to look at our community calendar and see what is happening. And you're aren't a "mooch"...anymore. Now you're just the most frugal sibling - one that we all wish we could be more like! Thanks for the great post.

  2. Thanks, Haley. I love all the outdoor stuff!

  3. Hey haley...if you areever in my area (currently warrensburg, missouri) you should definitely come and visit us. My husband is active duty air force. He works on the a-10. Right now we are stationed at the only base that has the b2plane and I think also the predator...which isnt a plane per se but its neat all the same. Oh and its free ;)
