Sunday, September 22, 2013

Leap of Faith (by Haley)

Last year my husband, Greg, was working and going to school full-time. It was such a busy year. I tried to help and support him the best that I could. I prepared meals, cleaned the house, and watched our daughter in hopes to ease the tremendous burden that he had. It was stressful, but we were grateful he had a job and could provide for our family.
Last month he got offered to teach a music composition class at the school in our town. It seemed like the perfect fit for him and our family. He could continue working at his current job and in addition teach music. 

Once he got all the paperwork required to fill out for his job, we noticed that there were certain rules that he had to abide by. One was that Greg was only allowed to work ten hours outside of this teaching job. How on earth could we live on such a small salary? 
The difficult decision came when Greg had to sign the paper saying that he would abide by the rules for this job. That meant that he had to quit his present job and we had to survive on a very small income. So, we decided to ask God what to do.

We prayed several times to make sure that we knew that we were doing what God wanted us to do. He did indeed want Greg to quit his job and take the teaching position. Although a little scary, we felt at ease knowing that we were being 100% honest and that the Lord would provide. 

This last month has been amazing. Random things have come up to help us get a little extra money. My husband has been able to teach private lessons and get work a few hours a week at his old job. Our groceries have miraculously been cheaper as well. 
All I know is that faith is the answer. When we have faith in God, things will work out and He'll take care of us. He loves us. Our future and purpose is clear when we include God in our lives. He is our father and friend. I am so grateful for His love and guidance in my life. He has lead me to where I am today.


  1. You guys are brave to follow the Spirit. Glad it all worked out for you. So excited for Greg to be done soon!

  2. So uplifting and inspiring, Haley. You guys are so faithful, you set such a great example for everyone who knows you. Thanks!
