Friday, September 13, 2013

Family Support

Everyone's FAVORITE little sister is starting her FIRST semester of college today. So she FORGOT to post about how much she loves her FAMILY on FRIDAY FOR the FLAKE sisters blog.

FEEL FREE to give a shout out for this FOXY FEMALE if you FIND her FANTASTIC (try saying that seven times fast).

I'll start: I love this FOOTLOOSE and FANCY FREE girl. You can see in these pictures that she is quite FETCHING and also a gooF.

We love you Cassidy!
Go Cougs!


  1. Cassidy is very talented and confident. She will do great in college. She is dedicated and a hard worker. I wish you the best, little sis!

  2. Good luck, Cass! You are going to do great!


  3. "F"un message, Ash! And nice job on the pictures! Cass - I'm so proud of you! You are beautiful and so talented! You have so much to offer the world. I hop eyou love college and don't get too homesick. Remember, we ALWAYS want you here in Ohio for any holiday when mom and dad are on their mission. Miss you little sister. Keep smiling that beautiful smile!

  4. Thanks for the post, Ash. We're so excited for you, Cassidy! I can't wait to hear all about your first few days at BYU-I. Go Vikings!
