Thursday, November 28, 2013

My THANKimony - Part 4 (by Haley)

My THANKimony continued...

22. RAIN- I am grateful for rain. You have no idea how excited people get here when it rains. Since I live in a place where it only rains a few times a year, rain is such a treat for us. We get SO excited. My favorite is when it rains when it's time to go to bed. I love the sound it makes on the roof. 

22. LIVING IN DIFFERENT PLACES- I am grateful that I have lived in so many different places. I have lived in West Virginia, Kentucky, Idaho, Utah, Uruguay, and Nevada. I have learned a lot about different types of people. I have also found beauty in each place. Each place has a special place in my heart.

23. VISITORS- I am grateful for visitors. There are very few things that make me happier than getting visitors. I LOVE it when people come over, especially my family. I love cleaning my home and making a special treat for people that I care about.

24. PREGNANCY- I am grateful I have experienced pregnancy. I know many of you mothers out there are rolling your eyes right now, but I am so grateful that I know what it is like to get pregnant and do through the whole labor process. Although it is tough, it is totally worth it in the end!

25. CHRISTMAS LIGHTS- I am grateful for Christmas lights. I love how they shine in the darkness and bring others happiness. They totally brighten my day!

26. THANKSGIVING- I am grateful for Thanksgiving. It is such a fun holiday. You get to eat tons of yummy food, spend the day with people you love, and focus on the things you are most grateful for in your life.

27. THIS LIST- I am grateful for this list. I really enjoyed making this list. It helped me realize the things I cherish the very most or take for granted. I think I'm gonna try to make this a Thanksgiving tradition. You should too!

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