Monday, November 18, 2013

Sunday Evening Tradition

When Matt and I were kids, we knew a family at church who invited people over EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY.  It was their way of reaching out to other families in the congregation.  They would just choose one family a week and have them over for dinner.  Matt and I both experienced dinners at their home and thought it was such a cool tradition.

But I am SO not up for it right now.  I would love to be the person who isn't phased by having a huge meal and a bunch of guests over every week.  Maybe someday...

In the meantime, we have started a Sunday night tradition that really works for our family.  We make cookies! (Okay, that tradition didn't start recently at all.  I make cookies every chance I get).  Now we make cookies every Sunday evening and deliver the majority of them to people in our ward.  Usually, we make enough for two or three other families, plus a few for us to enjoy. :)

If you really love your children, you can save a few out for them!

For the first few weeks it was really easy to decide who to drop the cookies off to.  Now, we love the challenge of really thinking about people we don't usually hang out with or others who could use a little boost.  We hope to make it through the whole ward and then start over! 
We just love figuring out where everyone lives and letting them know we're thinking of them.  And I just love trying out all the Pinterest recipes I want to make, but don't want to feed to my kids.  It's a win-win!


  1. Cute cookies and great tradition!

  2. AWESOME cookies and Awesome tradition. You guys are...awesome.

  3. Cool tradition. We've done that a few times too. It really is so fun!
