Thursday, November 14, 2013

My THANKimony - Part 2 (by Haley)

My THANKimony continued...

8. NATURE- I am grateful for nature. I have lived in several different places and have found that each one has its own beauty. I love the way I feel when I am in nature and the peace it brings to me. 
Mt. Charleston, Nevada

9. MUSIC- I am grateful for beautiful music. I grew up singing and playing the piano and now I am married to a musician. My husband has helped me appreciate it even more. I love the way that music always seems to change my mood into a happier one.
December 2007

10. TECHNOLOGY-I am grateful for technology. Living far away from my family it is so wonderful to be able to e-mail, text, and call each other whenever we want to. We can still feel close even though we may live far away.
Yes, I still have a flip phone...

11. BOOKS- I am grateful for good books. Books that uplift and inspire me to be a better person. Books that change my view of the world and help me to contribute for good.

12. HOLIDAYS- I am grateful for holidays. I love that we get special days off at school and work. I love that I get this special time specifically for my family. I love the opportunity these days allow me to focus on what is most important. I love the excitement and happiness they bring each year.
Christmas 2012

13. MY PARENTS- I am grateful for my parents. Not only did they bring me into this world, but they are such wonderful examples to me. They support me through hard things and lift me up when I need them the very most. 
April 2013- McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas

14. STAY AT HOME- I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to stay at home with my little Emily every day. I love the relationship that we have. I get to see her learn and grow every day and it is so fulfilling to me.

Stay tuned for My THANKimony - Part 3 on Thursday, November 21!


  1. Love the pics! That picture of us singing around the piano at Christmas (or is it Hanukkah? There seems to be a menorah in the picture.) is not terribly flattering of me. Dad's got a wet spot on the front of his pajama shirt from doing Christmas Eve dishes, and Dillon is a freakish giant! The picture of you on the phone is classic Haley. And I LOVE your hair in that Christmas picture by the banister:)

  2. Such a great list, Haley. I love the pictures too! You are so beautiful!
