Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Getting to Know You (by Heather)

So, I regularly use this product…..

I know, right?

But the product is totally made FOR ME. Even though it says it all over the box:

"Just For MEN"

"Great for Facial Hair"

So why would I use this product?

What it boils down to is that I am a natural blonde. Like, a serious blonde, blonde. Not a dumb blonde….hopefully. My hair used to naturally look like this:

Okay, so that hair might have a touch of "sun in" in it, but seriously not much. 

As I started having kids, however, my hair started to get darker with each kid. But you know what didn't get darker? My eyebrows. Yep, they seemed to get lighter and almost non-existent. 

When I looked in the mirror I felt a strange longing for something I had once but was now missing...oh yeah, eyebrows!

I'm not sure if other people noticed, though one time a guy said to me, "Did you shave off your eyebrows? Why don't you have any?" ....Still trying to figure out if he was trying to be a jerk or if he's just naturally a jerk. I'm thinking the latter...

I tried making my eyebrows darker with an eye pencil or even dark eye shadow, but you could tell it was drawn on. I had pretty much given up hope on my dream of having eyebrows again.

Then one summer I met a girl who said, "hey, you should dye your eyebrows like I do." This was something that had never occurred to me - I didn't even realize it was a "thing". It probably wasn't back them. Before I knew it she had converted me to using, and loving, a product "just for men!"

That's right, it says "Just For Men" but why discriminate? It works great for women's "facial hair" too! Women's hair dye will seriously dye your skin….for a while. But this is very manageable and is meant for the face so it works great for eyebrows. 

I've also been to a few salons where they dye and pluck your eyebrows, but that's more expensive - the tip alone can cost as much as a full box of the stuff you do at home - and they don't always get it the color or shape you want. I like the "Just for Men" because you have more control over the outcome. And what woman doesn't like to have control?

So if you're one like me who is cursed with light to non-existent eyebrows, give this thing a try. It's like trying a new hair color or a new outfit, it's fun to try new things.

I tried brown hair for a while, but couldn't keep up with the roots. 

 Plus, when you're playing that one getting to know you game of "two truths and a lie"... you will ALWAYS win!


  1. I don't care much about my eyebrows, but maybe someday...

  2. another hilarious post by you…I think I need to try this

    1. I remember once we were sitting in a sociology class at BYU and you asked me if I had drawn on my eyebrows. How did you even notice in the dark?! I miss those days where we got to see each other a few times a week. Miss you Carey!
