Thursday, October 17, 2013

Cooking Together

When we were little, we didn't cook much.  Our mother was trying to get food on the table for 13 people and could definitely get it done faster by herself than with help.  That is, until we learned to cook on our own.  Without supervision was when we were the most useful.  But let me tell you what, cooking together is bonding time.
I still remember when Cassidy and I made our first "fancy meal."  I can't remember what it was, but we made up menus and took orders and such.  It was so much fun!  I think that cooking together is so bonding because you are not only learning together, but you are creating something.  Whether or not it actually turns out the way you want it is not the important part.

Cassidy helping me make empanadas.  SOO awesome!

Cassidy and I attempted "surprise" llamas.  They were...fine...

I also love love love cooking with my husband.  He's such good company in the kitchen!

When my husband and I have kids, one of our goals is to have them help in the kitchen.  Not only to make life easier for us, and to make sure they know how to cook when they leave the house, but also to continue to build that bond while preparing meals.  

Any I'm already thinking about how to get them excited to help!


  1. You always were good and creative in the kitchen, Whitney. Who wouldn't want to hang out with you in there? You're a fun cook!

  2. I need to be better about letting my kids help in the kitchen. I totally use Grace to entertain the other kids while I cook dinner, but she'd LOVE to help. Maybe we'll make some cookies today...

  3. I agree! My 2 year old loves to help me in the kitchen. I just have to make sure I'm not in too big of a hurry. :)
