Thursday, January 16, 2014

Keeping In Touch (by Haley)

I was born in West Virginia. When I was 12 we moved to Kentucky. When I was 15 we moved to Idaho. When I was 18 I moved to Utah. When I was 21 I moved to Uruguay. When I was 22 I moved back to Utah. When I was 27 I moved to Nevada. Needless to say, I've moved around a bit! I know what it is like to make great friends and then move away. It is tough.

I have ten siblings and we live in the following states: Idaho, West Virginia, Kansas, Ohio, Maryland, Virginia, Utah (and Nevada). I would love to drive to visit my siblings every weekend  or fly up to visit some of my old college buddies, but realistically I really can't afford it. However, I have compiled a list of ways you can stay in touch with your long distance friends at no expense! I am definitely not perfect at any of these things, but it was fun to see what I am ALREADY doing to be a good long distance buddy.

1. PHONE CALLS/TEXTS- This one is quite obvious. Who doesn't like getting a phone call or text message from a friend? This is a great way to stay up to date with each other and actually have a conversation! Sometimes it is wise to schedule a time to talk that is good for both of you so you can have adequate time to talk with each other.

2. E-MAIL- Send your friend an e-mail. Tell them about your week and what's new. If you write them, they will probably write you back.

3. CARDS- Try to send cards on your friends' birthdays and special holidays. It will make them still feel connected to you and that you are thinking about them, even though they are far away.

4. YOUTUBE- Post a fun video of what you're up to on youtube and send your friends the link.

5. BLOG- Start a personal blog of things you are doing. Invite your friends to be your followers so they can feel involved in your life.

6. ANNOUNCEMENTS- Include your friends on your "mailing list" for things such as graduations, weddings, and births. Let them share those exciting moments with you.

7. PEN PALS- Although writing letters may be a little out of date, who doesn't like getting a letter in the mail? A letter just seems more personal because it is handwritten and can be read over and over again. Plus, you had to put it in an envelope and purchase a stamp!

8. CARE PACKAGES- Send your friend a care package filled with memories, candy, and pictures. 

9. FACEBOOK- Drop your friend a line on facebook or write them a personal message. Posting old pictures are fun too (as long as they aren't embarrassing!)

10. SKYPE- If you feel really lonely for your friend, you should Skype them. Skyping is a wonderful way to feel like your friend is right there talking to you and it is totally free!

Are you doing some of the things on this list? If not, try doing one this week and see what happens!


  1. I'll take that care package with Emily inside:)

  2. Great ideas Haley! I love keeping in touch with old friends, it puts a smile on their face (and yours). Everybody loves to know they are being thought about
