Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Perfect Snow Day (by Bethany)

Our clock went off at 6 am as usual this morning. As usual, we reset it for 6:15. Paul planned to work from home, so we reset it for 6:30. At that point, I checked my phone - school was cancelled! I looked out the window and things looked dry and bare, but a big storm was predicted. We decided we could sleep until 7, then Paul needed to start working at 8. But then he got word that his office was closed, and that he didn't have to work at all today! Pretty soon, the snow started to fall.
 Okay, no make-up, my hair's not fixed, and I'm in a bathrobe, but Alice and I are excited for the snow! 
Immediately, we had an empty day we could fill with whatever we wanted. Paul and I quickly started listing all the things we wanted to do: lay around all day and watch movies, eat junk, play games with the kids, play in the snow, Christmas music dance party, etc. But I was so torn. As a stay-at-home mom, I was the one person whose responsibilities didn't go away with school and work cancellations. It's laundry day, and I hadn't had a chance to get my sisters blog post written, and I have a million things to get done for Christmas, which I was hoping to do during school and work!
 We all had to make some compromises. Paul still had to take out the trash and recycling.
 But Grace got to dress up as Batman when she would normally be getting ready for school.
 We listened to Christmas music and had a dance party as I prepared cocoa and toast for breakfast. We wanted to laze around all day, but decided it was worth it to get ourselves ready and brave the roads. They were fine, and we had a nice, snowy morning Christmas shopping as a family - work and fun at the same time!
 We came home for a lunch of leftovers, then put the baby down for his nap. At this point, I planned to work on the blog, but I couldn't bear to see everyone else go out and have fun in the snow without me. To the backyard we went!
 There wasn't a ton of snow, but it was nice and wet. Perfect for a small snowman!
 The girls scavenged for his parts. 
 Then we had a snowball fight.
 Alice was ruthless!

Paul was the main target:)
 Snow angels were next. 
There was barely enough clean snow to do it in, but the girls loved it!

 Then back inside to watch a couple of Christmas movies. We suffered through I'll Be Home For Christmas starring Jonathan Taylor Thomas. 
 By this point, Grace was ready to do some homework, so Paul helped her and took care of the other two kids.
Meanwhile, I whipped together this Indian chicken tikka masala for dinner. I love to cook good food when I have time (and someone else to watch the kids!). Then we delivered cookies to some friends and neighbors, and called it a night.
No laundry got done, the house is a mess, and I'm writing this blog after the kids are in bed, but I think I made the right decision. A surprise open day with the family doesn't come around very often. I'm so glad I took the time to enjoy it!


  1. Mmm post the recipe for that tikka next! Fun post!

    1. Here's the recipe (not my own):

  2. "We suffered through I'll Be Home For Christmas starring Jonathan Taylor Thomas."....not buying it - you LOVE that movie. What a fun day! You guys needed (and deserved) a break. So glad you got one! Now put up the recipe for the Indian food and I'll be really happy ;)

