Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Family Yearbook (by Haley)

Back in 2006 my sister Sarah came up with a brilliant idea of making my parents a family yearbook as a Christmas present. She included pictures of every person in the family and brief family reports of the year from each of the eleven siblings. My parents loved the yearbook so much that they have asked for one every year since. Sarah agreed to do it for a couple of years, but then it got to be too much work with how busy her life was, (she's now pregnant with her sixth kid!) So, she began to delegate the responsibility each Christmas to a different sister in the family. This year, it was my turn...

It was a lot of work.

But, I got to put in fun pictures, like these:

This year I added a page in the yearbook of family accomplishments in 2013. The page quickly filled up. I was in awe at the things my family has done this year: new jobs, degrees, winning contests, starting companies, you get the idea! It was truly inspirational to me. Everyone should try making a family yearbook. Pictures are worth a thousand words, right? Right. Just don't ask me to do the yearbook for you...

If you're nice to me I'll let you check out our family yearbook when it's printed. You have to be really nice though.


  1. You are awesome Haley. Thanks for doing it! I know we ALL love looking through the new and old yearbooks. They are worth the work.

  2. It was my job last year, so I know how much work it is, but it's such a cool thing for Mom and Dad to have!
